Tuesday, May 6, 2008

4.4 I'm happy when...

I like hanging out with friends, with family (^^) Last week I went to "kashihaku"the expo that hosted by Himeji city. It was so crowded!A lot of company come to show there own techinique to decorete sweets or their original sweets. Every pavilion has great ,artistic sweets.I was happy surrounded by sweets. So fabulous!! If you are interested in sweets, you could better go to this expo! (May 11th is the last day...hurry!) (+_+) Yuko. M


MONDO said...

Sounds like a lot of fun. I didn't even know that there was a Himeji expo...The only time that I have been to Himeji, I went to see Himeji-jo. I went to the Nagoya expo when it was on. Actually I went twice. There were a lot of pavilions, from many different countries. It was great. See ya at school...

Yoshiteru.F said...

In my heart!Himeji city is nothing!
Only castle! Haha