Friday, May 30, 2008

8.2 The best book I have ever read

I'm reading a book. however I don't finish yet. So I write about the book which
is summer vacation's homework when Iwas in high scool. The title is "rashohmon"
that written by ryunosuke akutagawa. Establishment is the past kyoto. then I wrte
an outline. kyoto was covered with a famine and a natural disaster. A man steal
old womqn's cloth to live oterwise he starve. this story is interesting because
it explain human's ugly side.



kohjiro said...

I read rashohmon too before. I have impression that the story is very gloomy. but the story is so good. Kohjiro K

MONDO said...

Sounds very interesting Daisuke. I have to say, that I haven't read too much Japanese fiction. My favorite is the 'Kwaidan' ghost stories...Steven

Anonymous said...

I also read it for a long time ago. However I forgot the story! I think it's too difficult for me to understand at that time.(>_<)

Deborah said...

I've read it before, but I've forgottn the story. I'll read it again.