Monday, May 12, 2008

5.5 What I did on golden week

I was studing almost everyday. However I went to karaoke with a friend of mine. We sang for four hours. Also we ate Udin and some fresh spring rolls. We drunk, too. It was very fun. I went shoping with my mother, too. My mother bought two pair of shoes for me. We ate lunch, too. Also, I visited the hospital to see a friend of mine. She seemed to be in good condition. I spent good golden week!

1 comment:

MONDO said...

Remember that all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl. Anyway that's how the saying goes. It means that if you do nothing but work, your life will start getting boring. I guess it is hinting at finding a balance in your life. Your singing must be good, what songs did you sing? I can't sing, as I told you in class today, but I like dancing.